It is not difficult to install the EnergyMizer system.
You may choose for self-installation or professional installation.

For Installation in Split phase power in the United Stated
The United States uses a split power system for residential electrical service. This is normally supplied with three wires and considered a single phase system. Out of these wires, two wires each carry a voltage of 120 Volts Alternating Current (VAC) which comes into the electrical panel. The third wire is a neutral wire that is used to connect to the middle point of the pole transformer and an earth ground which reduces the voltage to your household. The two lines which carry the 120 VAC are commonly referred to as L1 and L2 (or Leg 1 and Leg 2). These L1 and L2 lines coming into your household electrical panel, carry a voltage of 120 VAC each when measured to the NEUTRAL. L1 & L2 are normally colored BLACK. The Neutral wire is connected to the earth, which is used as a combined return wire to the power grid and a safety ground. The Neutral wire is WHITE in color. When a volt meter is placed between the two legs of 120 VAC, the meter should read 240 VAC. In short, a house has two 120 VAC legs of voltage coming into the panel with a neutral. In some cases the Neutral can be colored red in a cable that is wired to a large power consumer such as a dryer.
For more information, please consult a professional electrician.*
Installation By Electrician (Hard Wired)
Of course electricians do cost money and you could have an electrician install a dual tandem outlet for the EnergyMizer two pack system to save you time. This two pack system should be located close to the electric box or the major appliance that is a power consumer, generally the Central Air Conditioner compressor. This is what I did for my EnergyMizer two pack. Another easy location for the electrician to install a dual outlet for the EnergyMizer two pack unit is at your dryer or electric range outlet. These large appliances use 240 VAC and both have L1 and L2 lines. These big power consumers use large wires which allow the EnergyMizer to operate at its best efficiency.
For more information, please consult a professional electrician.*
Self Installation (Easy Solution)
This installation option is simple and does not require opening the electrical panel or outlets for wiring.
For self installation, you must first go to your home’s electric panel box. When you have opened the door of the electrical panel, you will notice that there are likely two columns of circuit breakers with a few different types of circuit breakers. There are dual breakers,standard breakers, and sometimes tandem breakers (a pair of half width breakers).
The two columns of circuit breakers each alternate L1 in first (top) row and L2 in the second row. All the odd rows are L1, all the even rows are L2, down both columns. Make sure you have located the row markers which identify the odd and even rows. Remember the rows are always one standard circuit breaker wide.
Standard circuit breakers take up one space in the panel box and control one 120 VAC circuit. They connect to either L1 or L2.
Dual circuit breakers are larger units which take up the width of two standard circuit breakers. These dual circuit breakers are connected to L1 and L2 in order to supply power to 240 VAC operating equipment. To guarantee that both L1 and L2 are switched off when servicing 240 VAC equipment, switch off the MAINS breaker to turn off power to both L1 and L2. Normally dual circuit breakers are 30, 40. or 50 amps because the 240 VAC equipment are the high power consumers.
Tandem circuit breakers take up half a standard row. They may be packaged as two individual half width breakers, or as two breakers molded in a single unit which fit in a full row. Tandem breakers connect to the same 120 VAC L1 or L2.
You can locate L1 and L2 using any 120 volt outlets in your home in order to install one EnergyMizer on L1 and the other on L2. They can be placed in different rooms or floors of the home wherever it’s most convenient. Locating the different legs of power can be done easily with any device such as a portable lamp that will give you some indication if the outlet has power or not. Simply put, if you plug the lamp into an electric outlet and it does not turn on you have verified that there is no power.
For the first installation, locate the circuit breaker powering the refrigerator circuit. In many cases, there are other outlets nearby which might be on the same circuit breaker as the refrigerator which may be more convenient than the outlet directly behind the refrigerator.
The refrigerator is connected to a 120 VAC circuit breaker, a standard breaker, or one half of a tandem circuit breaker. Notice which row the refrigerator circuit breaker is in, odd or even. Remember a circuit breaker row is always one standard circuit breaker wide.
Turn the circuit off at the electrical panel and verify the power has been turned off at the refrigerator outlet. Now, plug in one EnergyMizer into the same outlet as your refrigerator and turn it on. Now find the refrigerator circuit breaker and turn it back ON. This immediately starts to save some power which lowers your electric bill.
Now let’s say the refrigerator breaker is in an odd row. This means it is connected to L1. You now want to locate an outlet on L2 for the other EnergyMizer to be plugged into. This is easily done by turning OFF all the 120 VAC circuit breakers on L2 and using the test lamp to verify any convenient outlet which is now off because the L2 circuits are all off. You only need to turn off the 120 VAC circuits. Leave the big dual circuit breakers in the “ON” position because they do not connect to any household appliance outlets.
Once you have located an outlet on L2, plug in the second EnergyMizer and turn it on. Switch all the circuit breakers back on. You are done.
Remember if your refrigerator is on an even row, that is L2, you need to find an outlet on L1 for the second EnergyMizer.
The EnergyMizer is also designed to also work plugged into a GFI protected outlet.
The residential EnergyMizer is for DRY locations only, and is NOT rated for outdoor or damp locations.
For more information, please consult a professional electrician.*
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